’Reality Bytes’ - are images that portray decisive moments in a collective still, embracing fictive "truths" which retain the raw quality of real moments without compromising the authentic ethics and precepts required by photographic naturalism. Imbued with story-telling innuendo, satirical humor and social commentary - within a global fabric, this collection of images aims to deflect the psyche from its usual ratlin, to challenge and provoke the assumptive mind. Fable and fact blend to create a new reality that dwells within the eye of the beholder.
Dale Yudelman’s career in photography has led him through two eras of South African history as well as across several continents. Born in Johannesburg, he began photographing at a young age under the tutelage of his father and was barely out of his teens in 1979 when he landed a job as staff photographer at South Africa’s largest daily newspaper The Star.
Darned if I know what 'ratlins' are but, in any case, the exhibition does sound interesting. Dale will also be visiting the Bluff Camera Club at their meeting on 15th February at 19H00 and all are invited.
Action Boy By Dale Yudelman