Saturday, April 25, 2009

Our Group at

There are some conspicuous exceptions but some members gave now established online photo albums at Online albums are good to have to show off your pictures to others and they're free, so why not.

* The first step is create an account at
* Next, you upload pictures to your album, making sure to say that they are open to viewed by anyone.

Visiting many different members' pages could soon get to be very time-consuming but luckily Flickr provides a way to create Groups (with their own pages) that people can join, and to which they can submit pictures. Our Hillcrest Camera Club Group is at:

To use a group, you have to join it and submit pictures to it.

Joining the group
  • Go to your Flickr page.
  • Click on the Groups menu option and select Search for a Group from the list.
  • Type Hillcrest Camera Club into the search box and click Search.
  • Select our Club from the list that comes up.
  • Click Join above the rows of picture thumbnails; it might take up to a day or two for the request to be processed
Submitting pictures to the group
  • Go to your Flickr page.
  • Click the picture you want to share with the group and an enlargement of the picture appears.
  • Click the Send to Group button located immediately above the picture.
  • Click name of the Group you want to send the picture to.
Your picture will now appear on the Club's Flickr page at:

NOTE: At this time, you can submit one picture per day to the group


Group members are able to leave comments on any pictures by using the facility at the bottom of the page. You are urged to leave constructive comments on any pictures you like. If you do that, there's a chance that people will do the same for you.

One interesting way of doing this is by using the the Add Note feature which is displayed above most enlarged pictures (unless the photographer has specifically said they don't want notes). Just click the Add Note button at the top of the picture and you will get a dotted box, which you can resize and reposition to cover part of the picture. You also get a space to type in whatever text you want to put in the note. In future, when anyone else looks at the picture, they will be able to read the note. See my picture for an example of what it looks like.

Hint: position the mouse cursor over the picture and the click on the box when it appears.

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