Thursday, February 28, 2008

March 2008 Meeting

Our next meeting is at the Hillcrest Sports Club on 4 March 2008 at 7pm. We look set to have a very interesting meeting with Peter Duffy as the ‘guest of honour’. Peter has been a photographer in Durban for many years, having specialised in news and social photography. Adding spice to his talk will be the fact that he has served under Major Mike Hoare on a number of occasions, including the ill-fated trip to Seychelles.

We will also view and discuss members’ pictures as usual. The set subject for the evening is Transport and there’ll be a voucher up for grabs for the best set subject or outing picture.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Out and About in March 2008

Bat Watch at Umbilo Ponds (phone Carol 031 572 3479) - 8th March
NWJ Bridal Exhibition at Durban Exhibition Centre - 7 - 9th March
Guided Nature Trail through New Germany Nature Reserve - 15th March (031 262 8239)
Open gardens - 15 - 16th March (031 763 4435)
Easter Pageant (take picnic baskets) - 16th/21st March (083 286 2155)
St Patricks Day Celebration at Nottingham Road - 17th March (033 266 6151)
Splashy Fen 20 - 24th March (
Grape Crushing Festival 21 - 23rd March, Nottingham Road
Festival of Chariots 21 - 24 th March - North Beach (082 824 2203)
South Coast Airshow - 22nd March, Margate

If you have any other information or great ideas for outings to share, please contact us, we will add to the list. Here's hoping this helps you take interesting photo's whilst enjoying a day out and about at the same time !