Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Reader's picture

By Barrie Walsh

A great rally picture. The car's movement is frozen, which can lead to a static picture, but there is plenty of speed in this pic; the car doesn't look as though was parked at the time. The bonus, for me, is the dust which adds to the impression of movement and masks what might have been a distracting background.

Comments please ...

Reminder: click any picture on this blog to view an enlargement.

Reader's picture

By Natalie Knibbs

A great picture of this animal tap-dancing on a hot rock at Loteni. It has a nice blurred background and, although parts of the animal are starting to go a tad soft, I think the pic gets away with it. A square crop might have improved the picture by removing some of the empty space at the top and the tiny blurred bit at the bottom. I also think it would benefit from a slightly warmer tone, which could be achieved by increasing the saturation or colour temperature.

Comments please...

NB. Out of interest, Photo World at Pick 'n Pay Centre now offers 8-inch square prints. I've been doing some square pictures here's a chance to get them printed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Reader's picture

Unknown bug by Allan Gosher

Clicking on this picture, and others in the blog, will show you an enlargement so you can take a closer look. Allan's picture ticks almost all the boxes when it comes to macro/ close-up photography. The subject is well positioned, sharp, colourful, and interesting to look at. The background is not too obtrusive, being nicely blurred.

I have no idea how small this bug is in real life, or whether it would have been possible to fill more of the frame with it. I think that it is a little small in the frame but cropping would definitely help. Another little niggle is the out-of-focus portion on the bit of wood that it's sitting on; it tends to draw my eye a bit but I realise that, with such a narrow depth of field, it might not have been possible to get it in focus as well.

Unofficial outing - May 2007

Just a note about an interesting photo opportunity coming up this weekend in our area. The Zulu rally hurtles through Inanda on Saturday morning, May 26, and I, for one, intend to be there. The first car is due through the spectator points at 09H20.

Full details are available at but I have downloaded the spectator guide and have included the details of how to get to Spectator Points A & B. I hope this means I will be able to find them ;-)

I suggest we meet at Point A initially.

Spectator Point A
After 400 m, crossroads, turn right towards INCHANGA.
After +- 100 m, turn right towards DRUMMOND/PEACEVALE/CLIFFDALE. At this point, zero your odo.
1,9 Crossroads, turn left towards DRUMMOND 2.
2,8 Keep left.
4,7 Proceed over railway lines.
4,75 “T” junction, turn right towards BOTHAS HILL/R103.
10,3 Turn left towards VALLEY TRUST/SANTA.
17,6 Turn right just after galvanised hut on RHS. (Power pole marked 357 on your LHS).
18,3 Proceed onto gravel road, thereafter swing round to the left.
19,2 Ignore road on LHS, proceed straight on.
19,6 Swing round to the left, keep on main gravel road.
21,5 “Y” junction, bear right.
22,8 Junction. Spectator Point A is at junction. GPS S29o40.416’. E030o47.708’
Stage Distance: 30,19 kms First car due: 09h20 and at 12h17

The cars will come past twice but it may be that that once will be enough and we go off and find brunch. Or we could move on to point B for the second lap.

Spectator Point B
After 400 m, crossroads, turn right towards INCHANGA.
After +- 100 m, turn right towards DRUMMOND/PEACEVALE/CLIFFDALE. At this point, zero your odo.
1,9 Crossroads, turn left towards DRUMMOND 2.
2,8 Keep left.
4,7 Proceed over railway lines.
4,75 “T” junction, turn right towards BOTHAS HILL/R103.
10,3 Turn left towards VALLEY TRUST/SANTA.
17,6 Ignore road on RHS (leads to Spectator Point A), proceed straight on.
18,7 Turn right next to sign ZIBAMBELE MAINTAINED ROAD.
18,8 Proceed onto gravel road.
23,1 Spectator Point B is at junction. GPS S29o40.257’. E030o46.999’.
Stage Distance: 30,19 kms First car due: 09h20 and at 12h17

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Pictures / Reminder

By Leanne Mackenzie

A nice pic of this flower. The exposure is spot-on, with no blown highlight on the white petals, and it is nicely framed. The thing that sets it apart from many other flower pictures, in my opinion, is the very unobtrusive background which doesn't detract from the subject at all. The background is dark, for a start, and a narrow depth of field ensures that the bits and pieces in it, that are visible, are nice and blurred. I did sharpen the pic a little for display; it's quite often needed when a picture is resized to send by e-mail.

By Leanne Mackenzie

This is a great picture of this light fitting. The rich red of the wall contrasts nicely with the slightly time-worn fitting. Again, the exposure is good, with no blown highlights on the metal. The shadow really adds some class to the picture. The relatively tight framing of the subject does contribute to the success of the pic. The shadow leading off down to the right is intriguing and I wonder what effect including more of it would have had.


This is a reminder about our outing to Tala game reserve on Saturday, 19 May. We meet at the gate at 6:15am to take advantage of the reduced group rate. You'll have to pay the full price if you arrive after we go in.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Programme: May 2007

The meeting is on 8 May at the Hillcrest Sports Club at 7pm. There will be supper at 6pm as usual for those that want it. It is still R30 per head and some of the best value in town.

There will be a talk on developing RAW camera files and we will then look at member’s pictures. The set subject for the month is macro/closeup.


The official outing for the month is to Tala Game Reserve on 19 May. Barrie is the organiser and will let us have all the details at the meeting.


An unofficial outing, which sounds very interesting, is to the Baynesfield Estate on 13 May. A tourist web site has this to say about it:

Baynesfield Estate Museum & Baynes House
Farm Nel's Rust 849, north of Richmond.
The display focuses on Joseph Baynes and his great contribution to farming in Natal. The house was built in about 1887, and declared a national monument in September 1994. There is a dairy, piggery, and agricultural section. Has two dams , mountain bike trails and birdwatching.
Telephone: 033 251 0001

They are having an open day for Mother’s Day and there will be all sorts of displays, market, music, food, and beer to occupy the time. The whole place is very picturesque and we had a pretty good time last year. To make matters more interesting, Umgeni Steam Rail are doing a trip from Maritzburg to Baynesfield and back on the day. The train leaves PMB station at 10am and returns at 4pm. Doubtless, John will give us all the details at the meeting and take names for a booking. The train is R90 for adults and R60 for children.

By Allan Jackson