Sunday, March 30, 2008

April 2008 meeting

We will be meeting at the Hillcrest Sports Club at 7pm on April 1, 2008. We will have a talk on a topic as yet to be confirmed, and then view members’ pictures as usual. The set subject is Architecture/Gardens and the best picture on that topic will win a gift voucher.

Another thing is that the automated e-mail system isn’t working for us and so we’ve gone back to the old manual system. Damn!!!

We have a great outing lined up for April to the Bush Hill Stud Farm but it is going to have to be on 26 April instead of the 19th as previously stated. Ondine will bring more details and directions to the meeting. She suggests that we take a couple of skottels and do ourselves a breakfast when we get there.

Andew Begg

We've heard from former member Andrew Begg who has been in the UK for a year. By the looks of things, he's been keeping up the good work over there.

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