Sunday, March 30, 2008

April 2008 meeting

We will be meeting at the Hillcrest Sports Club at 7pm on April 1, 2008. We will have a talk on a topic as yet to be confirmed, and then view members’ pictures as usual. The set subject is Architecture/Gardens and the best picture on that topic will win a gift voucher.

Another thing is that the automated e-mail system isn’t working for us and so we’ve gone back to the old manual system. Damn!!!

We have a great outing lined up for April to the Bush Hill Stud Farm but it is going to have to be on 26 April instead of the 19th as previously stated. Ondine will bring more details and directions to the meeting. She suggests that we take a couple of skottels and do ourselves a breakfast when we get there.

Andew Begg

We've heard from former member Andrew Begg who has been in the UK for a year. By the looks of things, he's been keeping up the good work over there.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

March 2008 outing

You are reminded about our outing to La Domaine on Saturday, March 15, 2008. We are to meet at the main gate in Acutt Road (NOT INANDA ROAD) at 7am and then we'll drive through to the clubhouse where we will park. Breakfast is at 9:30 and compliments of La Domaine but we are required to provide a couple of prints each in return.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Historic milestone

We had a very interesting meeting last Tuesday in which Peter Duffy shared many stories of his time as a press phographer in Durban. As a club, we try and encourage members to go out and shoot new stuff rather than relying on their archives for pictures to bring along to meetings.

By Natalie Knibbs

We decided to award a monthly prize for the best set subject or picture taken on an outing. The set subject was Transport and the winner, by popular acclamation, of the first prize ever awarded by the club was Natalie Knibbs with her atmospheric picture of a Makoro canoe. Well done Natalie.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Year planner at last!

Click on the link at the right-hand side of this page to view the 2008 activities planner.