Monday, July 21, 2008

Outing: July 2008

This is a reminder about our model shoot on 26 July 2008 at 8am at Crinkly Bottom. There will be three gorgeous models and everyone will have the opportunity of shooting all three over the course of two hours. Breakfast afterwards at Crinkly at 10h03am.

There is a limit to the number of members who can be accommodated and so you will have to book by replying to this message. The club will take care of some of the cost of the models but there will be a charge of R50, not including breakfast, per person shooting. If you book, you pay, even if you no-show.

Why not bring some props with you and some pictures of poses you like?

We don't have full details of the next meeting on August 1, 2008, but the calendar says that the speaker is going to be David Weeks on wedding photography. The calendar also says that Barrie is organising; I hope this is so… Further details when we know them.