Friday, July 16, 2010

Summerveld outing - Saturday 17 July

Hi everyone

Summerveld Outing

1. For those of you who have not taken photos of horses before, care has to be taken when being around the horses.

Horses don't like to be spooked or alarmed, and can react quite badly if they are upset. They don't like crouching forms or creatures, and either want to throw their riders off, or stamp on the offending 'creature'. As such, they won't like us crouching or bending down, which is what we do when we take low angled shots. Try to remain upright, as they recognise that form to be a human, and shouldn't spook.
Do not use your flash.
Don't make sudden movements.

As these horses are highly strung race horses, we need to respect that and not jeopardise their race winning ability!

2. Directions from Durban.
N3 from Durban. After the toll, take the Shongweni turnoff, Exit 32. Turn left into Kassier Road. Pass the t/o to Shongweni Dam. Continue along the road and take the Summerveld t/o to the right, and go up the road a bit. You’ll go through a set of gates and, soon after that, you’ll see a not-very-obvious turn off to the left through the trees (if you go under a bridge, you’ve gone too far). Follow that road and park in the car park.

See you between 5.30am and 6.00am. Bring thermos flasks and coffee if you like, to warm you up, or wake you up!

See you soon.

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